Programming in PASCAL using WDSibyl

Installation and use of a PASCAL programming environment

Michael Oehlhof

Team OS/2 Ruhr e.V.


About 5 weeks ago I began my work on this presentation 
Since no-one provided any information about WDSibyl,
I thought I should do this myself.


What is WDSibyl?



Required products

Installation (2)

The installation program

Installation (3)

The WDSibyl 3.0 folder contains

Samples: 17 sample programs
Help: WDsibyl and SPCC in English and German, OS2API in English.
OS: For compiled output, separate OS2 and Win32 folders.
SPRInstaller: Set absolute paths in SPR files after installation.

Using the IDE

The Help files are not up to date. Anybody's help to complete them is welcome.

IDE Windows

Toolbar includes installed components.
Control center shows compiler output, debug messages, breakpoints, variables, and much more.
Project manager organizes all project files, like source code, help files, resources and forms.
Forms shows the visual appearance of the program.
Object inspector shows all properties and events of the selected object.

Live Demo

More Information

Q & A

The Author

My projects and activities

The End

Thank you very much for your your attention!